Tag Archives: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

On The Possibility of Moving, and it’s Effect on Increasing World-Suck

Over the summer, my parents started looking at houses where we might move, sometime in the near future. They’ve been looking all over the place, hoping to find a place that’s within their budget, as well as big enough for us, and close enough to my sister’s current school. It’s taken them a while, but it seems we finally found one.

Thing is, it’s in a different town.

In and of itself, this really isn’t a big deal.

Except for the fact that I’m going to have to transfer schools in what is considered the most awkward stage of life.

Especially for us Wallflowers.

And it really wouldn’t be terribly bad if we had a set date for moving, and stuff like that, but we don’t. This means I’m going to spend the next few(/several) months possibly being a nervous wreck, not wanting to suddenly leave my current school, and my friends, and Fest. God knows that’s going to be hard. It took me about five months (FIVE MONTHS!!!!) to go twenty feet down the hall, and eat lunch with Elizabeth and Maddy! And Elizabeth had to drag me (quite literally!) down the hall to what became my favorite spot in the whole school building.

Every friend I’ve made since fifth grade, I met out of pure luck.

I met Ellen and Celine through my cousin,who had been going to school with them since forever. When I moved away, we became closer than we were in school. We’d spend inordinate amounts of time chatting through GMail. We had “Weird Dreams” chain-mails, and Middle School Girl Stuff Chain Mails. I discovered Seally was a die-hard Bones fan, as well as a B&B shipper. Ellen introduced me to HarryPotter fanfiction, and Dramione and Artemis Fowl and she was the only other person who would discuss Percy Jackson with me. (I still am a big Percabeth shipper!). In seventh grade, at my sister’s current school, I met my friend Holly. To date, I don’t think I’ve met a sweeter person, or made friends with someone who doesn’t like many of the same things I do (aka: books), although we did share a love for Tina Fey, Amy Poehler,SNL and Parks and Rec.

I met Elizabeth on the first day of school last year, after having been mistakenly placed into a Ceramics class I wasn’t really interested in at the beginning . We started talking about whatever it s two strangers talk about whilst surrounded by upperclassmen who know each other. Eventually, we started talking about Harry Potter. In a school of a gazillion people (actually, 1700…) I had found somebody who loved Harry (my future husband at the time) as much, if not more than I did. I had only ever listened to very little Wizard Rock before I met her, or heard about Leaky Con.

She introduced me to two amazing people: Maddy and the Doctor.

Maddy is easily one of the most creative people I’ve met. She’s a great potter (do not confuse with Potter), and photographer/photo-shopper, and TARDIS-maker, and computer/ tech- savvy In a way most kids my age that I know are not.

What if this time around I don’t get lucky? What if my Charlie never meets a Sam or Patrick?

What if I’m doomed to spend French class muttering to myself about its similarity to Spanish like I did all last year with Danny? What if I move before Fest comes around? That is very likely, it seems… 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Nothing is set in stone. And it kills me not to know. Maybe The Doctor should take care of that. Or perhaps my local Ministry of Magic could provide me with a Time-Turner. But until the TARDIS-stealing Time Lord and his Tine Lord-stealing TARDIS crash on my door step, or an owl delivers said Time Turner, I will be kept in the dark, regarding ZE FUTURRREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

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